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6/25/05 "I Smotted Him, I smotted Him Good"
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Today was a lazy day, as you can read by the strip. So to not totatlly write of the day, I got stuck at Wawa, and finished ten pages from my first notebook of comics.

Yes ladies and gentelmen it's classis Stars on The Ceiling. Back when I drew even worse then I do now. Looking back I found quite a few refering to Tiff. Realizing I didn't have any pictures with Tiff(cause I didn't like em), I like to think of my comics as a sort of pictures of our relationship. Even thought she complained it didn't look like her(nobodies does even now), it just reminded me. Lame I know but hey it works. But forget about it.

So to see the these brand spanking old comics you have to go to my news website, not the comic one, but where you read the news, to see it. Enjoy it.

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